ECMC Residents Awarded by NY-ACP in Quality Improvement Poster Competition
Aishwarya Bhardwaj ASCVD poster earned first prize; Mansi Nigam OSA poster won second prize
The New York Chapter of the American College of Physicians (ACP) held their statewide poster competition on November 5th at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City at the NYACP Resident and Medical Student Forum. The competition attracted over 300 abstract submissions with 142 being accepted to the poster competition.
The New York Chapter American College of Physicians (NYACP) acknowledged that Aishwarya Bhardwaj from the University at Buffalo School of Medicine received the first place award for the Quality Improvement Category with her poster “Increasing the Use of ASCVD Risk Calculator in a Primary Care Setting.” Dr. Bhardwaj has the choice of either a paid trip to either ACP’s Leadership Day in Washington DC, or NYACP’s Leadership Day in Albany, New York. The first place poster winner is automatically admitted into the National ACP poster competition.
The second place prize in the Quality Improvement category was awarded to Mansi Nigam with her poster “Improving OSA screening in hypertensive patients with STOP-BANG questionnaires” from Erie County Medical Center. Dr. Nigam received a customized certificate for her accomplishment.
Both projects were mentored and facilitated by Dr. Smita Bakhai, MD, Internal Medicine Center Medical Director at ECMC.
“We are incredibly proud of our team work and excellence in clinical care at ECMC. Congratulations to our residents for these outstanding accomplishments,” stated Smita Bakhai, MD, MPH, FACP, Medical Director, Internal Medicine Center, ECMC; and Assistant Professor, Dept. of Internal Medicine, University at Buffalo.
The criteria used in selecting abstracts presented are: originality, significance, presentation and methods. Each abstract is critiqued by a team of judges who are currently members, and most judges are Fellows in the American College of Physicians.